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News You Can Use

Made to Order!

Have you ever tried to read a phone number that was written as a single stream of text and struggled to retain the information or even quickly comprehend it?

Webinar Watch: Accessible (Jamestown) Lesson Plans and Electronic Large Print

Gear up for a month of giving thanks and knowledge at noon with our upcoming November webinars.

Questions Anyone? AIM-VA Can Help!

During recent webinars, we selected the following three questions asked by attendees that we felt would benefit everyone.

Webinar Watch: Knowledge at Noon is in Full Swing

Register today for an AIM-VA webinar. We now offer certificates upon completion of a training event.

Using Text-to-Speech to Unlock Reading Barriers

Text-to-speech provides bimodal presentation of both visual and aural text. Seeing and hearing the text at the same time allows students to focus on comprehension instead of sounding out words, as well as improving word recognition.

It's Dyslexia Awareness Month!

Students with dyslexia respond well to alternative book formats and specialized reading instruction. Make a point to find more information this month about dyslexia and other learning disabilities that result in print disabilities.

Banned Books Week 2016: Let Students who Struggle to Read be a Part of the Conversation

Banned Books Week is here. Can students who struggle to read be part of the conversation? Have they read the authors whose works are banned or challenged? If not, AIM-VA is your answer.

National Book Festival 2016 Authors: Your Books In Accessible Formats Help Struggling Readers Thrive

Books in alternative formats help students with print disabilities get engaged with books and become literate.

Webinar Watch: AIM-VA's September Lineup Helps Teachers Easily Provide More Accessible Learning

Putting accessible learning materials into the hands of struggling readers is definitely easier.

International Dot Day, Sept. 15, Soon Will Be More Inclusive in Virginia Thanks to Accessible Formats

A richer reading experience is in store for eligible students with disabilities whose teachers request accessible formats.