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What computer-based hardware are available to access AIM?

noun hard·ware \ˈhärd-ˌwer\
DEFINITION OF HARDWARE: Any physical technology used for reading accessible instructional materials.

Many modern computing devices can be used as tools for accessible reading. Depending on what features you need, some devices may have the features built in and some may require additional software. While the operating system (OS) of a device is technically software, we include them here because of the inherent link between the device and the OS.

What dedicated hardware can be used for reading AIM?

Dedicated devices may offer alternative options for students who would benefit from AIM. These devices may prove more accessible, be more powerful, or provide more appropriate features when assessing a student’s reading needs to ensure a free appropriate public education.

Is there a dedicated device that is available for VI teachers?

Both the Orbit Reader 20 and the Braille Trail Reader LE are provided on Federal Quota and may be requested directly from DBVI.