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Calling All Teen, YA Writers! Story Shares Launches 2016 "Relevant Reads Story of the Year Contest"

Students below grade level need books that attract and keep their attention. This contest supports their literacy.

Struggling Readers? Pair Multimedia Oral Histories from StoryCorps with "Just-RIght" Accessible Books

Free StoryCorps resources and "just-right" book formats excite learners who struggle with print.

The Codpast Demonstrates How Ears Can Be Better than Eyes with Text-to-Speech Software

The Codpast offers fresh and contemporary resources for students and adults with dyslexia.

Special Educator Carrie Baughcum's Ignite Speech Uses Sketchnotes to Inspire Teacher Innovation

Teachers who heed Carrie Baughcum's message will innovate instruction during the 2016-2017 school year.

Happy 75th Birthday Curious George! Throw A Party With Accessible Books for Struggling Readers

Celebrate literacy by making choice typical in your classroom with the goal of including all types of learners.

Students Who Learn Best with Audiobooks Are Not Cheating! They Are Accessing Their Curriculum

Audiobooks are a "best-fit" format for struggling readers, and some students are eligible for them at no cost.

19 Free, Low-Cost AEM Resources: Teachers Plan Strategically for Progress for Struggling Learners

Combine free and low-cost resources with AEM eligibility and progress comes into view for struggling learners.

90-Second Newbery Films, Accessible Books Empower Struggling Readers to Master Skills

This year, increase flexible learning options. Accessible book formats are essential. Offer multiple ways to tackle assignments.

Inclusive! "Rambles" Is A Free Geography Game With Map + Very Accessible Game Booklet

Teachers can level the playing field with a game booklet that offers choice as to the way players read the text.

44 Tech Ideas, Tools Help Co-Teachers Engage + Include Struggling Learners in Gen Ed Instruction

Once students are included in general education the hard work begins to make the curriculum accessible for all.