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Assistive Technology Supports for Reading: How to better support your students’ reading environment: Monitor Supports

Photo of a student at a table looking at a monitor showing a video of their teacher

Computer monitors are large, so they are usually placed on a desk or mounted on a wall. Ways to change the positions of these monitors seem to be readily available, as positioning supports can be found in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. So, which is best for your student?

Assistive Technology Supports for Reading: How to better support your students’ reading environment: Keyboard Supports

Illustration of a man sitting at a desk showing the correct sitting posture relative to keyboard and monitor

Reading electronic books generally involves the device screen. However, your students need to be able to control the device to access books, so keyboard supports are necessary when creating a better, well supported reading environment.

Making Functional and Educational Format Decisions

Screenshot of the AIM-VA Search for a Book screen with the Format dropdown open

Did you know that students with complex reading support needs and print disabilities can benefit from a variety of reading formats? When making decisions on which format to use consider that students will have varying needs.

Assistive Technology Supports for Reading: How to better support your students’ reading environment: Introduction

Illustration of a man sitting at a desk showing the correct sitting posture

Last year, a student’s postural alignment while reading when seated at desks, on sofas and chairs or lying in bed was reviewed. Many technologies were introduced that might prove helpful. Yet, how can these ideal positions be acquired if a student is not the right size for the desk, chair, or sofa that is at school or home?

AEM Café

Illustration of three cups of coffee held by different people's hands, from above

Are you looking for new or improved ways to integrate accessibility in your classroom or schools? The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) AEM Café may be the resource for you.

Creating Annotations to Support Reading

Drawing of a woman using a laptop

Creating annotations is important for readers who want to take notes while they are reading. Taking notes of important items to remember will make it easier to review the document for main ideas or important details. It’s also a way to note where there are questions that need to be answered. Creating annotations helps students become involved and engaged with the text. It may help students focus on the important content in the text.

Protecting Your Students When Reading: At Home

Image of a woman sitting on a sofa with her legs up and a laptop on her leg

When students are reading at home on a…

  • laptop, mobile device, large print, paper braille or refreshable braille displays
  • at home seated on a lounge chair, couch or bed

Students who read at home with various accessible options, most often do so in a very casual way; by sitting on a couch or lying in bed. What we need to consider when students read at home in this was is the position of their bodies and the impact it can have on how long they read, how productive their reading is, and how the position itself effects their bodies.

Protecting Your Students When Reading: Alternate Seating

Image of a boy sitting on a box

When students use…

  • any book or reading device
  • at a table or desk
  • yet require alternate seating!

Although sitting at a desk reading textbooks, reading books, large print or braille books while using a laptop, desk top computer or an iPad should follow posture guidelines, there are times when students are unable to do so in basic classroom chairs. At these times, alternatives need to be considered that can support the student in a sitting position that follows as close to the guidelines as possible.

Background Color

Laptop with the word reading displayed

In an earlier blog, increasing font size to help with readability on a screen was discussed. Similarly, this month we will talk about changing the background color to improve the readability of a document.

Protecting Your Students When Reading: Textbooks & Trade, Large Print or Braille Books

Photo of a few books open on a desk

When students use…

  • a book such as a textbook, trade, large print or braille book
  • on a table or desk
  • a typical chair

Sitting at a desk reading textbooks, reading books, large print or braille books should follow the same posture guidelines as sitting at a desk using a laptop, desk top computer or an iPad.