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Making Functional and Educational Format Decisions

Screenshot of the AIM-VA Search for a Book screen with the Format dropdown open

Did you know that students with complex reading support needs and print disabilities can benefit from a variety of reading formats? When making decisions on which format to use consider that students will have varying needs. Some students may require alternative layouts that work well with screen readers while others may benefit from using formats that work with specific text-to-speech software programs.

Environment can also play a role in which format you or your student chooses. For example, a student may require a format beyond the one they typically use on a day-to-day basis (e.g., a large print copy during a field trip or special school event). Students may even prefer a combination of formats such as a Large Print copy to manipulate while listening to text-to-speech.

Whatever the case, AIM-VA has you covered. We have a variety of formats to choose from. Chrome Book users can request accessible WORD/Google Docs, HTML and PDFs while Mac users can select PDFs, WORD, or ePub formats - all to use with the device’s built-in features and more. To learn more, visit AIM-VA Formats or request a face-to-face training by contacting the AIM-VA Help Desk.