September Reading Suggestions

There are many special weeks and/or days to celebrate in the month of September. AIM-VA has books in accessible formats to support many of the topics. If they don’t have the book you want, you can create a New Request and get your book in the format needed by your student. Here’s just a few possible books that go with the themes in September:
National Honey Month promotes beekeeping and the benefits of honey as a natural sweetener

Book: The Secret Life of Bees
Level: High School/Young Adult
Formats: PDF: Accessible, PDF: Fully Accessible, Word/Google Doc, ePub
Grandparents Day is being celebrated September 8th

Book: True Gift
Level: Early Elementary, Late Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible
Teddy Bear Day celebrated September 9th

Book: A Bug, a Bear, and a Boy
Level: PreK/K, Early Elementary, Late Elementary
Formats: PDF: Accessible
Patriots Day is on the 11th of September

Book: Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story
Level: Early Elementary, Late Elementary, Middle School
Formats: PDF: Accessible, WORD/Goggle Doc
National Farm Animals Awareness Week is the third week in September

Book: Farm Helpers
Level: Pre-K/K
Format: PDF: Accessible
National Flower Week, also the third week in September

Book: From Seed to Plant
Level: 1st grade, 2nd grade, Pre-K/K, Early Elementary
Format: PDF Accessible
International Week of the Deaf 2024 is also celebrated in the third week in September.

Book: The Story of My Life
Level: Late Elementary, Middle School
Format: Large Print, RTF

Book: The Silence Between Us
Level: Middle School, High School/Young Adult
Format: PDF: Accessible

Book: El Deafo
Level: Early Elementary, Late Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible
Mayflower Day is the 16th of September

Book: Mayflower 1620: A New Look At A Pilgrim Voyage
Level: Early Elementary, Late Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible
Talk Like a Pirate Day is on the 19th of September

Book: Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon
Level: Early Elementary, Late Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible, WORD/Goggle Doc, Braille
National Dog Week has been celebrated the 4th week of September since 1928.

Book: A Dog’s Purpose
Level: High School/Young Adult
Format: PDF: Accessible

Book: Clifford the Big Red Dog
Level: Pre-K/K, Early Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible

Book: 100 Facts About Dogs
Level: 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, Early Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible
Elephant Appreciation Day is celebrated September 22nd

Book: All About African Elephants
Level: PreK/K, Early Elementary
Format: PDF: Accessible, NIMAS, HTML, ePub