Featured Books and Tool of the Month

Book: Amelia Bedelia
Author: Peggy Parish, Fritz Siebel
Format: PDF: Accessible
Barcode: 50011394
Ever since Amelia Bedelia made her debut almost thirty years ago, young readers have been laughing out loud at the antics of this literal-minded but charming housekeeper who never fails to confound the Rogers family. After all, who knows better than Amelia Bedelia what "dust the furniture" and "dress a chicken" really mean! Peggy Parish's simple and hilarious story is a classic that children will enjoy again and again, Expressive illustrations of the well-intentioned and warm-hearted Amelia's comical mishaps complement the light and humorous tone. (Scholastic)
Additional Resources for Amelia Bedelia
- Jigsaw, Word Search and Other Activities
- Welcome to the World of Amelia Bedelia
- Amelia Bedelia Resources

Book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Author: J. K. Rowling
Format: PDF: Accessible
Barcode: 50001851
The author's first novel introduces Harry Potter, the son of a powerful wizard and witch who are killed by an even more powerful sorcerer. Sent to live with his Muggle (non-magical) aunt, uncle, and cousin, Harry is treated poorly without knowing why. On his tenth birthday, Harry learns that he is a wizard and is to go off to Hogwarts, a prestigious school for wizards and witches. Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, soon discover that something shady is going on, and they must save Hogwarts from the very sorcerer who killed Harry's parents. No Canadian Rights for the Harry Potter Series HARRY POTTER and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter publishing rights © J. K. Rowling. (s05)
Additional Resources related to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
- Literacy Centra: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Resources
- TeachingBooks | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Resource Set
Digital Tool of the Month

Tool: Kami, a Google Extension
Cost: Free
Access: Kami for Google Chrome™ - Chrome Web Store
Kami is a PDF and document annotation app used in schools. You can turn the book into an interactive learning space. The text to speech allows the user to loop, read pages, change voices, and adjust speed.
Video Resources for using KAMI
- How to use the Text to Speech Tool in Kami
- How to use the totally free version of Kami Extension with Google Classroom
- Kami and PDF
Reading Tools discussed so far
September blog – Natural Reader
October blog – Immersive Reader
November blog – Read Aloud
December blog – Kami
AIM-VA provides educators a way to have books converted to accessible files for students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Search for books through the AIM-VA website. Books not currently found in the AIM-VA library, can be produced if requested by an AIM-VA DRM (Digital Rights Manager) in any Virginia public school division.