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It’s Roald Dahl’s birthday!

Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Did you know Sept 13 is Roald Dahl’s birthday? The famous author wrote books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG, and the Fantastic Mr. Fox.

What inspired him to write Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? As a boy, he went to a boarding school. At the age of eight, he and four of his friends were in trouble for putting a dead mouse in a jar of gobstoppers (a type of hard candy) at a local shop. Gobstoppers were a favorite treat among British schoolboys. That’s where the everlasting gobstoppers came from that are featured in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Later, he went to a boarding school. At the school, they were invited to trial chocolate bars for Cadbury. He dreamed of inventing a new chocolate bar for Mr. Cadbury and that is the experience that prompted him to write the book.

Roald Dahl was a famous British novelist, short story writer, poet, screenwriter, an ace fighter pilot, and a chocolate historian.

AIM-VA already has Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Danny the Champion of the World, Fantastic Mr. Fox, George’s Marvelous Medicine, The BFG, and The Magic Finger in accessible formats. DBVI, Learning Ally, Bookshare and 3rd party choices have additional books written by Dahl and are also listed on the website.

For lesson plans and resources on your favorite Roald Dahl book go to:

For more information on activities to celebrate his birthday, go to:

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  • Note that books will be chopped and rebound for format production.

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