Low-Vision Awareness Month

As children grow and develop, stories are a magical part of a child’s life, building imagination and curiosity while teaching about the surrounding world. Reading provides opportunities for children to engage in discussions and build language skills. Below are featured books for Low-Vision Awareness Month from AIM-VA’s library. Each book shares a story about a person with a vision impairment and how they faced challenges within their life to add richness to the world.
Featured books from AIM-VA’s library

Six Dots: A story of young Louis Braille
This award-winning non-fiction book by Jen Bryant tells Louis’ childhood story. She writes of how young Louis was five-years-old when he lost his sight. After this lose, Louis was determined to continue going to his local village school, resolved to learn to read and write even though his school had no books for the blind. Later, he attended the Royal School for the Blind in Paris, but continued to be frustrated by the lack of accessible books. This frustration led him to create his own accessible reading system when he was fifteen; Braille.

The Seeing Stick by Jane Yolen
This story tells of a young princess, Hwei Ming, who lives in Peking, China. The princess was named Hwei Ming, for it meant “the lightest moon that will become luminous;” Hwei was blind. Her father, the emperor, challenged the citizens of Peking to resolve her blindness and help her. Will the physicians, magicians, or people of Peking be able to help this princess?

Little by Little: A writer’s Education
Jean Little’s autobiography, Little by Little, tells her story of living with a vision impairment. Jean shares coming to the realization that her vision was different from others and how she struggled in school. Her passion for reading helped her overcome obstacles, graduate college, and become a teacher.
Other Great Books
Check out this website to find more books that create opportunities for children to engage in conversations about children who have special needs. Remember, AIM-VA can produce these enjoyable, educational books in accessible digital formats for eligible students.
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AIM-VA provides training and professional development to educators throughout Virginia. Training can be specific to the needs of the school division or educator. Contact us to learn more about AIM-VA and how we can support your students.